Will TNC20 be rescheduled?
The event will not be rescheduled in 2020.
Will TNC20 be held online instead – if not, why not?
No, we will not be hosting an online conference so that NRENs can spend their time supporting research institutions, universities and schools. We don’t want to take them away from this valuable work.
I have already registered and paid. When can I expect a refund?
You will get a refund. We are working closely with our finance department to get refunds to you as soon as possible. We will be in touch with more detailed information in the coming days, please bear with us.
I booked my hotel through the recommended booking agency Yellow Fish Event Management Ltd, will that automatically be cancelled? If not, what do I need to do?
Your hotel booking will automatically be cancelled and you will receive direct notification confirming this on or before 25 March 2020.
Will I still be charged £35 administration fee for cancelling my hotel booking through Yellow Fish Event Management Ltd?
No, there will be no fees charged.
Should you require further information regarding your hotel booking please contact housing@tnc20.com
I was due to speak in a session or demonstration, or submitted a Lightning Talk or Poster. What do I need to do?
Please keep your submissions so you can update them for resubmission in 2021.
Can you share any information on TNC21?
We are already working on TNC21 and will make an announcement soon.
For any information about TNC20 cancellation, please contact us.