Side meetings & BoFs
GNA-G community meeting
Side Meeting
09.00 - 13.00 | Room E
The Global Network Advancement Group (GNA-G) ( is a community of network professionals from the R&E organisations from all over the world. Working in per-topic groups, its goal is to collaborate to align resources and make the continent-to-continent interconnections more efficient for global science collaborations and transnational education. GNA-G welcomes the participation of network architects and engineers, GXP operators and network researchers from R&E networks around the world. At the TNC22 meeting, we would present the results of our working groups (, and engage with the audience in gathering feedback and input for our future work.
Register here:
Please note: This is a side meeting. In order to attend, you will need to purchase a side meeting pass, in addition to your regular TNC pass. See the registration page for more details.
Ivana Golub (PSNC)
Side Meeting
09.00 - 17.30 | Room C
Annual REFEDS meeting for Federation Operators and other interested parties. The meeting will present updates from the REFEDS workplan alongside presentations and themes for community members and a series of lightning talks highlighting progress from the community.
Register here:
Please note: This is a side meeting. In order to attend, you will need to purchase a side meeting pass, in addition to your regular TNC pass. See the registration page for more details.
Nicole Harris (GÉANT)
Heather Flanagan (Spherical Cow Consulting)
eHealth TF
Side Meeting
09.00 - 10.30 | Room D
The GÉANT eHealth Task Force meets in person for the first time at TNC22 and makes the point on where we stand with the implementation of the work plan foreseen for the first year of activity.
The meeting is open to everyone in the community interested in eHealth and willing to voluntarily contribute to the activities and the discussions.
Discussions will focus on the analysis of what done so far, what to improve and what we can reasonably hope to achieve to support such an emerging domain, about which many NRENs have expresses both high interest and, however, a general, common lack of resources to assign to (with a few exceptions).
Register here:
Please note: This is a side meeting. In order to attend, you will need to purchase a side meeting pass, in addition to your regular TNC pass. See the registration page for more details.
Mario Reale (GÉANT)
Everything you need to know about OCRE Framework
Side Meeting
09.00 - 17.30 | Room B
In this side meeting you can learn everything you need about OCRE Framework. We are happy to provide bespoke advice and explanation on amongst others:
• legitimacy of the Framework;
• GDPR compliancy;
• description on awarding procedures;
• overall usage possibilities within each lot.
Register here:
Please note: This is a side meeting. In order to attend, you will need to purchase a side meeting pass, in addition to your regular TNC pass. See the registration page for more details.
Monique Pellinkhof (GÉANT)
Side Meeting
11.00 - 13.00 | Room D
TF-RED is the task force on research engagement and development. Our group works with researchers to understand their needs and requirements as well as promoting the values of the NREN community to research and user communities. Join us for our first face to face all hands in over two years to learn, discover and participate in growing the global research engagement community.
Register here:
Please note: This is a side meeting. In order to attend, you will need to purchase a side meeting pass, in addition to your regular TNC pass. See the registration page for more details.
Chris Atherton (GÉANT)
Side Meeting
14.00 - 17.30 | Room D
SIG-CISS is a discussion forum for the Community to exchange know-how, best practices and to identify useful synergies on their Cloud activities. It spans from the coordination of the upstream contributions to key open source project dealing with the Cloud, to the common usage of the GÉANT Cloud procurement framework, in place to empower NRENs with effective means to support their member institutions in the adoption Cloud services.
SIG-CISS meets in person at TNC22 to discuss about interoperable Clouds in the GÉANT Community and report about the latest developments NRENs have been involved in, while providing Cloud services.
Register here:
Please note: This is a side meeting. In order to attend, you will need to purchase a side meeting pass, in addition to your regular TNC pass. See the registration page for more details.
Mario Reale (GÉANT)
TF-EDU Annual Community Meeting
Side Meeting
14.00 - 17.30 | Room E
TF-EDU aims to bring people together across education activities and services, to address common issues faced by (N)RENs and their communities. We share knowledge and best practices from everything from strategy to tools to support education at the local, national and international level. At our TNC22 Community Meeting we will present the results from our annual survey and any trends after its third year in the field. We will run a panel discussion session on comparing national digital transformation strategies and we identify the big issues, questions and opportunities for collaboration in the next 10 years, as well as tools and techniques including developments in the area of eduID.
Please note: This is a side meeting. In order to attend, you will need to purchase a side meeting pass, in addition to your regular TNC pass. See the registration page for more details.
Register here:
Gyongyi Horvath (GÉANT)
SEE Forum side meeting
Side Meeting
08.15 - 10.15 | Room E
This side meeting is the unique opportunity for the SEE (N)RENs directors to meet after last forum in April 2020 in Istanbul.
The SEE Forum is the GÉANT platform to support the south east European (N)RENs. It provides a dedicated point of information requests related to the region within GÉANT. We gather information and exchange practices to overcome regional challenges with the aim to make the most of the regional connectivity. And enable GÉANT to make informed decision on the topography and service-related developments.
We work together to address the requirements of each regional (N)REN in the effort to overcome the Europe's digital divide. At the forum we foster opportunity of collaborations to ensure optimal use of GÉANT infrastructure and services along potential synergies in the R&I ecosystem e.g. Digital Innovation Hubs and industry initiatives. In a nutshell we bring the region closer to the whole GÉANT community.
This event is closed and only SEE Directors are invited. If you are keen to know more about it, please contact us at:
Marina De Giorgi (GÉANT)
New form-factors for coherent optics, a disruptive technology?
08.30 - 10.30 | Room C
This BoF is targeted at NREN network specialists and engineers who are building optical network infrastructures. As a new generation of new ZR+ and XR optics become available, this BoF will bring together people who would like to know what can be done with these new generation of pluggables and if this is a new disruptive technology that will change the way we build our networks.
Coherent Optics, 400G, 800G, and Beyond. What to expect and the enabling technologies, Stefan Voll, Infinera
IP-optical integration with pluggable optics, present and future, Dirk van den Borne, Juniper
How new form-factors fits in the evolution of current transport networks, Alberto Bellato, Nokia
The impact of new form-factors busting disaggregated optical line systems, Dejan Bilbija , Ciena
Register here:
Kurosh Bozorgebrahimi (Sikt)
FileSender community
09.00 - 11.00 | Room B
The FileSender board calls all operators and users of filesender services to discuss status, roadmap and operational observations. Particularly pertinent topics are the move to the 3.x branch, the new chunked download system with inline hashing, and experiences with encryption acceleration. People not presently operating a filesender service but interested in doing so are cordially invited! Operators are encouraged to share insights, novel uses, trends and annoyances.
Guido Aben (AARNet)
Jan Meijer (Sikt)
Rogier Spoor (eduVPN)
TNC101: Getting the most out of your 1st TNC
Side Meeting
10.00 - 10.30 | Room A
Information for Newcomers
We want you to get the most out of TNC22. To make this conference both productive and enjoyable we've organised some opportunities for you to navigate this event.
After visiting registration and collecting your badge please come visit the GÉANT booth. Staff from the Amsterdam and Cambridge offices will be on hand to answer your questions about GÉANT and TNC22. There is a schedule of when GÉANT staff will be at the booth to help you make contact with the right people.
The TNC Newcomers’ Welcome will give you a quick introduction to the format of TNC22, what GÉANT is about and how to get the most out of the event by following conference tracks that align with your interests. There are also some tips and tricks even if you don't know what areas you should follow.
This introduction will get you started on setting your goals for TNC22, attending the sessions that are most valuable to you, and helping you collaborate with GÉANT and the community over the coming year.
Wish you all a great conference.
Rosanna Norman (GÉANT)
Casper Dreef (GÉANT)
Addressing Global Routing Practices with the Routing Working Group
18.00 - 19.30 | Room C
The joint APAN/GNA-G Routing Working Group was formed to address global routing issues impacting performance of cross national data flows. Since its creation in June 2021, the group has addressed many different routing issues relevant to the R&E networking community: asymmetrical routing, inefficient global routing, and changes to links impacting how traffic is routed throughout the world. During this BoF, we will discuss the current open cases being addressed, tools for identifying, troubleshooting, and resolving routing problems, and provide an overview of efforts to create best practices for the global REN community.
Brenna Meade (Indiana University)
eduroam and GeGC BoF
18.00 - 19.30 | Room E
This session will be lead by the Global eduroam Governance Committee and is open to anyone with an interest in eduroam. Come join us and discuss eduroam operations and eduroam futures
Paul Dekkers (SURF)
Public Affairs for NRENs and RENs
18.00 - 19.30 | Room B
Over the years it has become clear that equipping NRENs and RENs with public affairs expertise is advantageous. This BoF will function as a platform for those active in public affairs in NRENs/RENs to exchange best practices from their respective organisations. This is built upon the format of similar workshops at TNC18 and TNC19, and we hope it will represent a diverse range of public affairs professionals globally. An aim of the session is to launch a NREN/REN Public Affairs working group, in order to enhance public affairs collaboration globally so as to remain at the forefront of R&E.
Register here:
Hendrik Ike (GÉANT)
Community Cloud Operators
18.00 - 19.30 | Room D
Several European NRENs are operating a “Community Cloud”, i.e. an open model of Cloud services based on open source software deployed on the NRENs hardware, capable of being federated with other cloud implementations. This BoF will brainstorm how NRENs can cooperate in practice to share experiences and achieve common goals in this space, building also upon the previous experience of the SIG-CISS forum.
Claudio Pisa (GARR)
R&E Network updates
Side Meeting
09.00 - 12.30 | Stockholm
Side meeting at TNC to provide updates and discuss potential collaboration opportunities in intercontinental connectivity between R&E networks and automation/orchestration.
Register here:
Please note: This is a side meeting. In order to attend, you will need to purchase a side meeting pass, in addition to your regular TNC pass. More information can be found on under 'Register'.
Mian Usman (GÉANT)
InAcademia Steering Committee meeting
Side Meeting
09.00 - 12.30 | Room D
- This is a CLOSED meeting / Invite only -
The Q2-2022 convening of the InAcademia Steering Committee will follow the standing agenda for this meeting but in a face-to-face format.
Register here:
Please note: This is a side meeting. In order to attend, you will need to purchase a side meeting pass, in addition to your regular TNC pass. See the registration page for more details.
Michelle Williams (GÉANT)
SIG Marcomms meeting
Side Meeting
09.00 - 17.30 | Room B
The GÉANT Special Interest Group on Marketing Communications (SIG-Marcomms) will hold a side meeting at TNC22. The group will explore challenges and opportunities in the marketing communications work which supports the core business of research and education networks around the world. Participants will share their experiences and best practices and explore which TNC22 sessions and keynotes look promising for future marcomms work and collaborations.
Register here:
Please note: This is a side meeting. In order to attend, you will need to purchase a side meeting pass, in addition to your regular TNC pass. See the registration page for more details.
Silvia Fiore (GÉANT)
Security Day 2022
Side Meeting
09.00 - 17.30 | Room C
Security has become more and more mission critical for all of us. Many of us have missed having a physical meeting and workshop to really talk to each other in a creative atmosphere. As a side meeting to TNC22 we can focus on the areas that are important for IT-security practitioners. We start the day with presentations on current topics and follow up with a participant driven unconference with group discussions. We look forward to creating a great day together sharing experiences!
Register here:
Please note: This is a side meeting. In order to attend, you will need to purchase a side meeting pass, in addition to your regular TNC pass. See the registration page for more details.
Jochen Schönfelder (DFN-CERT)
David Heed (SUNET)
EuroHPC Working Group Meeting
Side Meeting
09.30 - 12.30 | Room E
- This is a CLOSED meeting / Invite only -
This is a EuroHPC Working group face to face meeting that will work on policy and implementation aspects of NRENs support to the EuroHPC JU and wider HPC Community.
Register here:
Please note: This is a side meeting. In order to attend, you will need to purchase a side meeting pass, in addition to your regular TNC pass. See the registration page for more details.
Annabel Grant (GÉANT)